Minkoff-Zern opens a new field of inquiry into class and racial structuring in American agriculture, detailing Latino/a farmworker transitions to autonomous ecological farming. Her bold challenge to researchers, policy makers, and activists foregrounds race as complicating recognition and inclusion, within a novel ‘agrarian question’ informed by a political economy of migration.
— Philip McMichael, Cornell University; author, Food Regimes and Agrarian Questions

Race, ethnicity, and immigration are pivotal challenges facing the US food system. Disrupting the dominant trope of Latino/a immigrant as farmworker, Minkoff-Zern expertly reveals the emerging reality of immigrant farm owners, who, despite many challenges, bring with them farming practices that are simultaneously ecological, sustainable, and family centered.
— Julian Agyeman, Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning, Tufts University; coeditor of Cultivating Food Justice: Race, Class, and Sustainability

A vivid and comprehensive inquiry into mostly overlooked realities, The New American Farmer critically rethinks trajectories toward inclusive futures for rural areas.
— Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, Emeritus Professor of Rural Sociology, Wageningen University, the Netherlands; Adjunct Professor of the College of Humanities and Development Studies, China Agricultural University, Beijing